Hug day is widely known on twelfth Feb . throughout over the world.
At this juncture couple embrace one another and also greet them with many gift items which he/she will certainly don’t forget for ever.
It is possible to welcome your friend on this celebration by means of Text message or even straight through some greetings or perhaps if you wish to spend some money then the valuable present for your valuable gifts
Hug your family members as well as let them know simply how much you like and also take care of them.
It’s send a Hug Day !
But that’s not why
I”m sending you this.
I just couldn’t resist
Getting my arms around U !
No matter where you are
I’ll always find my way to …
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses
I love only you!
U cant wrap love in a box,
But u can wrap a person in a hug.
A hug charms,warms
And makes everyone happy.
That must be why God gave us arms.
So here is a hug 4 u.
HUG Coupan
Hugs are fat-free, sugar-free
And require no batteries.
Hugs reduce blood pressure
Body temperature, heart rate
And help relive pain and depression.
Redeem this coupon at your nearest
Participating human being.
You are so especial to me.
There is nothing better than
Having you as a friend
To share each day with !
Thank you for making my
Day brighter
Even though i’m away, in my heart
I’m right by your side.
And here’s a hug from me
To say, I love you lots
It’s send a Hug Day !
But that’s not why
I"m sending you this.
I just couldn’t resist
Getting my arms around U !
Its big
Its warm
Its here
It’s a big funny hug
With lots of love
From a heart that beats
Just for you!
If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?’
Sometimes a hug speaks volumes
When someone’s feeling low
And more then words are needed
To set a heart aglow
My sweetest memory-UR msg
My biggest sadness-The distance
My biggest hope-i wil HUG you soon
My strongest prayer relation continues forever.
In your arms I feel so great
The warmth
The love
Best place iz in that state
Love me
Hold me
Kiss me
Hug me
Tonight I ask the stars above,
How I’ll ever win ur Hug Day,
What do I do,What do I say,
2 turn ur angel eyes my way..
Tears can sum timez be more special than smyles.
For smyles can be given 2 any 1 but tears r only shed for pple we Hug.
I Luv u more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorow.
1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don’t Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then
At this juncture couple embrace one another and also greet them with many gift items which he/she will certainly don’t forget for ever.
It is possible to welcome your friend on this celebration by means of Text message or even straight through some greetings or perhaps if you wish to spend some money then the valuable present for your valuable gifts
Hug your family members as well as let them know simply how much you like and also take care of them.
Hug Day Quotes
- Hugs grease the wheels of the world.
- A hug is two hearts wrapped in arms.
- Hug Department: Always Open
- A kiss without a hug is like a flower without the fragrance.
- Never wait until tomorrow to hug someone you could hug today,
because when you give one, you get one right back your way. - Hug Day is not how long u’ve been together; not how much u’ve given or
receive; Not how many times u’ve helped each other

Hug Day Sms Collection
Here is the best collection of Hug Day Sms Collection from which you can send this sms to your lovedIt’s send a Hug Day !
But that’s not why
I”m sending you this.
I just couldn’t resist
Getting my arms around U !

No matter where you are
I’ll always find my way to …
Hug you tight and shower you with my kisses
I love only you!

U cant wrap love in a box,
But u can wrap a person in a hug.
A hug charms,warms
And makes everyone happy.
That must be why God gave us arms.
So here is a hug 4 u.
HUG Coupan
Hugs are fat-free, sugar-free
And require no batteries.
Hugs reduce blood pressure
Body temperature, heart rate
And help relive pain and depression.
Redeem this coupon at your nearest
Participating human being.

You are so especial to me.
There is nothing better than
Having you as a friend
To share each day with !
Thank you for making my
Day brighter
Even though i’m away, in my heart
I’m right by your side.
And here’s a hug from me
To say, I love you lots

It’s send a Hug Day !
But that’s not why
I"m sending you this.
I just couldn’t resist
Getting my arms around U !
Its big
Its warm
Its here
It’s a big funny hug
With lots of love
From a heart that beats
Just for you!

If u read,u owe me a HUG,
if u delete,u Owe me a kiss,
if u save,u owe me a DATE,
if u return txt msg 2 me,
u OWE me All,
bt if u ignore,
U r MINe!
So wat will U do?’
Sometimes a hug speaks volumes
When someone’s feeling low
And more then words are needed
To set a heart aglow

My sweetest memory-UR msg
My biggest sadness-The distance
My biggest hope-i wil HUG you soon
My strongest prayer relation continues forever.
In your arms I feel so great
The warmth
The love
Best place iz in that state
Love me
Hold me
Kiss me
Hug me

Tonight I ask the stars above,
How I’ll ever win ur Hug Day,
What do I do,What do I say,
2 turn ur angel eyes my way..
Tears can sum timez be more special than smyles.
For smyles can be given 2 any 1 but tears r only shed for pple we Hug.
I Luv u more today than I did yesterday, but not as much as I will tomorow.
1 2,
I Love You,
3 4
Love Me More,
5 6
Give Me Kiss,
7 8
Don’t Be Late,
9 10
Hug Me Then
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